Working out which specific drinks trigger heartburn, which may be sugary alcoholic drinks for some people and beer for others, and avoiding them will also help reduce heartburn. This meta-analysis provides evidence for a potential association between alcohol drinking and the risk of GERD. The increase in alcohol consumption and frequency showed a stronger association with GERD. Carbonated drinks, such as Sprite, can increase the risk of acid reflux.
- Certain beverages pose a particularly high risk of triggering acid reflux.
- The NIDDK recommends people with acid reflux eliminate coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages from their diets.
- If you suffer from acid reflux, it’s best to avoid drinking alcohol altogether.
- This can lead to acid reflux and the irritation of GERD symptoms in certain people.
- Like with other lifestyle factors, however, the precise relationship between alcohol and GERD is not fully understood.
It might or might not need treatment, depending on how uncomfortable or disruptive it is. In this study, the authors put forth the idea that the drugs used to treat GERD may make laxatives (drugs that promote defecation) less effective for constipation. Drugs for GERD that reduce the production of stomach acid may inhibit the drugs used to move the bowels. Representational image | ShutterstockMost of us have experienced a sore throat at some point, but throat ulcers are a specific and often misunderstood condition. Happiest Health speaks to experts to understand these troublesome sores that can make eating, drinking and even talking a challenge. Most of the time, medication and other treatments ease gastritis symptoms quickly.
The healing process typically spans seven to ten days with appropriate treatment, but this timeline can vary significantly based on the underlying cause and the individual’s overall health. Dietary modifications can help ease discomfort and promote healing during this recovery period. Sometimes, our body’s own deficiencies can lead to these painful sores. Nutritional issues, particularly a lack of iron, zinc or essential vitamins like B12 and folate, can make us susceptible to developing throat ulcers.
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In a research review published in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, the authors found that participants who drank regularly had a 48 percent higher risk for GERD than those who drank alcohol occasionally or not at all. One question that many people with GERD have is how often they can or should drink alcohol. Alcohol is an established GERD trigger, but that doesn’t mean everyone with GERD will experience symptoms after they enjoy a glass of wine. Acid reflux occurs when the valve that connects the stomach to the food pipe weakens. Juices made from citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits are highly acidic, which can worsen acid reflux.
When you swallow, a circular band of muscle around the bottom of the esophagus, called the lower esophageal sphincter, relaxes to allow food and over the counter xanax alternative liquid to flow into the stomach. So don’t put off calling your doctor if you notice blood in your feces or vomit, dark or tarry-looking feces, extreme weakness, or unexplained weight loss. If you have gastritis related to alcohol or to any other cause, getting started on treatment right away is the right move. Gastritis means that your stomach’s inner lining is inflamed or worn down.
What to drink if you have acid reflux
GERD and constipation can occur together if the digestive system is not working as it should. Treatments for GERD could also lead to constipation in some people. If there are no gastroenterologists in your area, find out if it is possible to get a virtual (telehealth) appointment. Getting the process started, even virtually, may be helpful, and a local healthcare provider can help coordinate any prescribed treatments.
Can I Enjoy Alcohol if I Have GERD?
Working in city hospitals helped him become resourceful and taught him how to interact with people from different backgrounds. Here’s what you should know about how alcohol can contribute to GERD symptoms, and how to figure out if you might be better off reducing your intake, changing how you drink alcohol, or abstaining from alcohol altogether. Regularly taking small sips of water throughout the day may also help clear acid in the esophagus and treat a GERD-related chronic cough. Some plant-based milks like almond milk are also alkaline, which can help neutralize stomach acid.
Another variable in how much alcohol you can tolerate could be the type of beverage, regardless of the overall amount of alcohol. Most research on GERD has focused on alcohol as a broad category, but certain people may tolerate beer, wine, or mixed drinks better than the others — or even certain kinds of beer, wine, or cocktails. It may take “a lot of experimentation to see what works,” Evans notes.
Systematic investigations concerning this matter are inappropriate and further well-designed prospective studies are needed to clarify the effect of alcohol on GERD. These nonalcoholic beverages are also known to aggravate acid reflux. Switching to a low-acid fruit juice like apple or carrot juice or mixing a drink with water may help reduce your GERD symptoms. Research published in 2008 found that drinking wine could reduce the risk of reflux esophagitis or irritation of the esophageal lining. According to a 2019 review, drinking alcohol can increase the risk of developing GERD. Researchers found that higher intake and frequency were more strongly linked with GERD.