Global Business 101

It’s a small, but extremely connected world. It certainly is in relation to the ability to access information across the globe and the connectivity with business leaders and other key decision makers in every corner of the globe. This is especially evident in global business. Global business is the term used to describe any firm or business that conducts business outside of its home country.

As the challenges of global commerce and trade get more complicated, companies large and small must take steps to ensure they are prepared to meet these new issues. This includes understanding the nuances and politics of international business, and being able to work with partners and colleagues in other countries from their own.

The undergraduate Journal of Global Business and Trade (JGBT) is a journal that publishes research papers reports, articles, and commentary that are relevant to the world of global business. JGBT is also an official journal of the Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE).

It’s crucial to know what cultural differences can impact the success of your company abroad regardless of whether you’re a business owner looking to enter international markets, or want to make sure that your team is well-prepared. It is crucial to know the customs, holidays and social norms that are prevalent in the cultures you may encounter while conducting business globally. It’s a great way to increase your «export IQ.» It’s also beneficial to be able to communicate with business associates from different countries. For instance the different cultures have different expectations of personal space and greetings.

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